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We also have a list of recent scientific papers on bioluminescence-related topics. If you would like your paper to appear here, send us a note. (Updated: 16 Dec 2005) |
Bioluminescence in beetles by Vadim Viviani
(Molecular, Insect luciferases, Bioluminescence) 30-Mar-2010
Recent Publications by Victor Meyer-Rochow
(History, Terrestrial, Insects, Vision) 2-Dec-2009
Marine plants polarizing remote eggs via luminescence by Lionel Jaffe
(Long wavelength luminescence, Algal, Development) 10-Jan-06
Black Sea Luminous Bacteria and their Applications by Andrew Katsev
(Luminous bacteria, Luciferase, Biotest) 9-Apr-01
Nervous control of luminous ophiuroids by Jerome Mallefet
(Physiology, Echinoderm, nervous control, ophiuroid) 19-Feb-03
Bioluminescence & Oxygen by Graham S. Timmins
(Chemistry, Oxygen) 17-Feb-00
Marine Luminescent Plankton by Poupin, Cussatlegras, and Geistdoerfer
(Ecology, Bioluminescence, Plankton, Systematic) 30-Sep-99
The adaptive value of luminescence in Lampyridae by Raphael De Cock
(Ecology, Luminescence functions, Benelux Glow-worm Survey) 26-Jan-99
Sexual Selection in Fireflies by Albert D. Carlson
(Behavior, Firefly, Sexual selection, Photinus) 19-Jan-99
Ophiuroid Luminescence for Studying Microevolution by Samuel Dupont
(Ecology, Intraspecific variability, Luminescence functions) 13-Jan-99
A new insect emitting strong light by P G Jonsson
(Insect bioluminescence) 22-Dec-98
Firefly Signal Evolution by Marc A. Branham
(Firefly, Behavior, Systematics) 6-Apr-98
Bioluminescent organisms and phenomena in the oceans by Peter J.Herring
(Behavior, Vision, Physiology, Oceanography, Ecology) 2-Mar-98
Flow-Induced Stimulation of Dinoflagellate Luminescence by Michael I. Latz
(Dinoflagellate, Turbulence, Flow, Boundary layer, Dolphin) 2-Jan-98
Bioluminescence: Plankton Distribution Patterns by Edith A. Widder
(Oceanography, Instrumentation, Light measurements, Plankton) 20-Dec-97
The ANTARES Project by Jean-Philippe Laugier
(Astrophysics, Bioluminescence, Deep-sea) 31-Oct-97
Light and Vision in the Deep Sea by Tammy Frank
(Neurobiology, Vision, Vertical Migration) 24-Oct-97
Counter-illumination in Porichthys notatus by Robert Harper
(Behavior, Bioluminescence, Porichthys, midshipman) 24-Oct-97
Dinoflagellate Control Mechanisms by Carrie McDougall
(Neurobiology, Dinoflagellate, Control mechanisms) 11-Sep-97
Bioluminescence in the open sea by Steven Haddock
(Ecology, Gelatinous Zooplankton, Marine Snow) 10-Sep-97
Some recent scientific literature related to bioluminescence.
- 2005
- Deo, S.K., Mirasoli, M. and Daunert, S. (2005) Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer from aequorin to a fluorophore: an artificial jellyfish for applications in multianalyte detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381: 1387-1394.
- Haddock, S.H.D., Dunn, C.W., Pugh, P.R. and Schnitzler, C.E. (2005) Bioluminescent and red-fluorescent lures in a deep-sea siphonophore. Science, 309: 263.
- Herren, C.M., Haddock, S.H.D., Johnson, C., Moline, M.A. and Case, J.F. (2005) A multi-platform bathyphotometer for fine-scale, coastal bioluminescence research. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 3: 247-262.
- Kanakubo, A., Koga, K., Isobe, M. and Yoza, K. (2005) Tetrabromohydroquinone and riboflavin are possibly responsible for green luminescence in the luminous acorn worm, Ptychodera flava. Luminescence, 20: 397-400.
- Miller, S.D., Haddock, S.H.D., Elvidge, C.D. and Lee, T.H. (2005) Detection of a bioluminescent milky sea from space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 102: 14181-14184.
- Shimomura, O. (2005) The discovery of aequorin and green fluorescent protein. Journal of Microscopy, 217: 3-15.
- Tannous, B.A., Kim, D.-E., Fernandez, J.L., Weissleder, R. and Breakefield, X.O. (2005) Codon-Optimized Gaussia Luciferase cDNA for Mammalian Gene Expression in Culture and in Vivo. Molecular Therapy, 11: 435-443.
- 2004
- Cussatlegras, A.-S. and Le Gal, P. (2004) Flow-induced bioluminescence in the dinoflagellate Pyrocystis fusiformis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 310: 227-246.
- Day, J.C., Tisi, L.C. and Bailey, M.J. (2004) Evolution of beetle bioluminescence: the origin of beetle luciferin. Luminescence, 19: 8-20.
- Herring, P.J. and Widder, E.A. (2004) Bioluminescence of deep-sea coronate medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa). Marine Biology, 146: 39-51.
- Ip, D.T.M. et al. (2004) Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a novel orange fluorescent protein from the Cnidaria tube anemone Cerianthus sp. Acta Crystallographica Section D, 60: 340-341.
- Kato, S.-i., Oba, Y., Ojika, M. and Inouye, S. (2004) Identification of the biosynthetic units of Cypridina luciferin in Cypridina (Vargula) hilgendorfii by LC/ESI-TOF-MS. Tetrahedron, 60: 11427-11434.
- Liu, L., Wilson, T. and Hastings, J.W. (2004) Molecular evolution of dinoflagellate luciferases, enzymes with three catalytic domains in a single polypeptide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 101: 16555-16560.
- Markova, S., Golz, S., Frank, L.A., Kalthof, B. and Vysotski, E.S. (2004) Cloning and expression of cDNA for a luciferase from the marine copepod Metridia longa. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279: 3212-3217.
- Oba, Y., Tsuduki, H., Kato, S., Ojika, M. and Inouye, S. (2004) Identification of the luciferin-luciferase system and quantification of coelenterazine by mass spectrometry in the deep-sea luminous ostracod Conchoecia pseudodiscophora. Chembiochem, 5: 1495-1499.
- Vysotski, E.S. and Lee, J. (2004) Ca2+-regulated photoproteins: Structural insight into the bioluminescence mechanism. Accounts of Chemical Research, 37: 405-415.
- 2003
- Masuda, H. et al. (2003) Chromatography of isoforms of recombinant apoaequorin and method for the preparation of aequorin. Protein Expression and Purification, 31: 181-187.
- Robison, B.H., Reisenbichler, K.R., Hunt, J.C. and Haddock, S.H. (2003) Light production by the arm tips of the deep-sea cephalopod Vampyroteuthis infernalis. Biol Bull, 205: 102-9.
- Shulman, I., Haddock, S.H.D., McGillicuddy, D.J., Paduan, J.D. and Bissett, W.P. (2003) Numerical modeling of bioluminescence distributions in the coastal ocean. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20: 1060-1068.
- Szent-Gyorgyi, C., Ballou, B.T., Dagnal, E. and Bryan, B. (2003) Cloning and characterization of new bioluminescent proteins. Proceedings of SPIE, 3600: 4-11.
- 2002
- Verhaegen M. and Christopoulos, T.K. (2002) Recombinant Gaussia luciferase. Overexpression, purification and analytical application of a bioluminescent reporter for DNA hybridization. Analytical Chemistry, 74: 4378-4385.
- Dewael, Y. and Mallefet, J. (2002) Luminescence in ophiuroids (Echinodermata) does not share a common nervous control in all species. J Exp Biol, 205: 799-806.
- Johnsen, S. (2002) Cryptic and conspicuous coloration in the pelagic environment. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 269: 243-56.
- Le Poul, E. et al. (2002) Adaptation of aequorin functional assay to high throughput screening. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 7: 57-65.
- Markova, S.V. et al. (2002) Obelin from the bioluminescent marine hydroid Obelia geniculata: Cloning, expression, and comparison of some properties with those of other Ca2+-regulated photoproteins. Biochemistry: 2227-2236.
- Widder, E.A. (2002) Bioluminescence and the pelagic visual environment. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 35: 1-26.
- 2001
- Campagna, C., Dignani, J., Blackwell, S.B. and Marin, M.R. (2001) Detecting bioluminescence with an irradiance time-depth recorder deployed on southern elephant seals. Marine Mammal Science, 17: 402-414.
- Cussatlegras, A.-S., Geistdoerfer, P. and Prieur, L. (2001) Planktonic bioluminescence measurements in the frontal zone of Almeria-Oran (Mediterranean Sea). Oceanologica Acta, 24: 239-250.
- Deng, L., Vysotski, E., Liu, Z., Markova, S. and others., a. (2001) Structural basis for the emission of violet bioluminescence from a W92F obelin mutant. FEBS Letters, 506: 281-285.
- Deo, S.K. and Daunert, S. (2001) Luminescent proteins from Aequorea victoria: applications in drug discovery and in high throughput analysis. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 369: 258-266.
- Haddock, S.H.D., Rivers, T.J. and Robison, B.H. (2001) Can coelenterates make coelenterazine? Dietary requirement for luciferin in cnidarian bioluminescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98: 11148-11151.
- Labas, Y.A., Matz, M.V. and Zakhartchenko, V.A., (2001) On the origin of bioluminescent systems. In: J.F. Case et al. (Editors), Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. World Scientific, Asilomar, CA, pp. 91-94.
- Reynolds, G.T. and Lutz, R.A. (2001) Sources of light in the deep ocean. Reviews of Geophysics, 39: 123-136.
- Timmins, G.S., Jackson, S.K. and Swartz, H.M. (2001) The evolution of bioluminescent oxygen consumption as an ancient oxygen detoxification mechanism. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 52: 321-332.
- Widder, E.A. and Frank, T.M. (2001) The speed of an isolume: a shrimp's eye view. Marine Biology, 138: 669-677.
- 2000
- Czyz, A; Wrobel, B; Wegrzyn, G.(2000) Vibrio harveyi bioluminescence plays a role in stimulation of DNA repair. Microbiology-UK, 146:283-288.
- Deheyn, D; Mallefet, J; Jangoux, M. (2000) Cytological changes during bioluminescence production in dissociated photocytes from the ophiuroid Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata) Cell Tissue Res. 299:115-128.
- Deheyn, D; Mallefet, J; Jangoux, M. (2000) Expression of bioluminescence in Amphipholis squamata (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata) in presence of various organisms: a laboratory study. JMBAUK 80:179-180.
- Douglas, R.H., Mullineaux, C.W. and Partridge, J.C. (2000) Long-wave sensitivity in deep-sea stomiid dragonfish with far-red bioluminescence: evidence for a dietary origin of the chlorophyll-derived retinal photosensitizer of Malacosteus niger. Phil Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 355: 1269-72.
- Dunstan, S.L., Sala-Newby, G.B., Fajardo, A.B., Taylor, K.M. and Campbell, A.K. (2000) Cloning and expression of the bioluminescent photoprotein pholasin from the bivalve mollusc Pholas dactylus. J. Biol. Chem., 275: 9403-9409.
- Liu, Z.-J. et al. (2000) Structure of the Ca2+-regulated photoprotein obelin at 1.7 Å resolution determined directly from its sulfur substructure. Protein Sci., 9: 2085-2093.
- Widder, EA; Johnsen, S. (2000) 3D spatial point patterns of bioluminescent plankton: a map of the 'minefield'. J.Plankton Res. 22:409-420.
- 1999
- Branchini, BR; Magyar, RA; Murtiashaw, MH; Anderson, SM; and others. (1999) Site-directed mutagenesis of firefly luciferase active site amino acids: A proposed model for bioluminescence color. Biochemistry 38:13223-13230.
- de Cock, R. and Matthysen, E. (1999) Aposematism and bioluminescence: experimental evidence from glow-worm larvae. Evolutionary Ecology, 13.
- Deheyn, D.; Mallefet, J.; Jangoux, M. (1999) Variation in bioluminescence with ambient illumination and diel cycle in a cosmopolitan ophiuroid (Echinodermata). Cahiers de Biologie Marine40:57-63.
- Douglas, R.H. et al. (1999) Enhanced retinal longwave sensitivity using a chlorophyll-derived photosensitiser in Malacosteus niger, a deep-sea dragon fish with far red bioluminescence. Vision Res, 39: 2817-32.
- Haddock, S.H.D. and Case, J.F. (1999) Bioluminescence spectra of shallow and deep-sea gelatinous zooplankton: ctenophores, medusae and siphonophores. Marine Biology, 133: 571-582.
- Harper, R.D.; Case, J.F. (1999) Disruptive counterillumination and its anti-predatory value in the plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus. Marine Biol.134:529-540.
- Hartline, DK; Buskey, EJ; Lenz, PH. (1999) Rapid jumps and bioluminescence exlicited by controlled hydrodymanic stimuli in a mesopelagic copepod, Pleuromamma xiphias. Biol. Bull. 197:132-143.
- Johnsen, S. and Widder, E.A. (1999) The physical basis of transparency in biological tissue: Ultrastructure and the minimization of light scattering. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 199: 181-198.
- Johnsen, S.; Balser, E.J.; Fisher, E.C.; Widder, E.A. (1999) Bioluminescence in the deep-sea cirrate octopod Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Biol. Bull. 197: 26-39.
- Johnsen, S.; Balser, E.J.; Widder, E.A. (1999) Light-emitting suckers in an octopus. Nature 398:113-114.
- Kocak, D.M.; Lobo, N.D.; Widder, E.A. (1999) Computer vision techniques for quantifying, tracking, and identifying bioluminescent plankton. IEEE J. Oceanic Engr., 24:81-95.
- Latz, M.I.; Rohr, J. (1999) Luminescent response of the red tide dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum to laminar and turbulent flow. Limnol. Oceanogr.44:1423-1435.
- Lindsay, SM; Frank, TM; Kent, J; Partridge, JC; and others. (1999) Spectral sensitivity of vision and bioluminescence in the midwater shrimp Sergestes similis. Biol. Bull. 197:348-360.
- Meyer-Rochow, V.B. (1999) Geheimnisvolles Leuchten: Wie, wann und warum Tiere das Licht anmachen. Natur und Museum 129:178-185.
- Munk, O. (1999) The escal photophore of ceratioids (Pisces; Ceratioidei) a review of structure and function. Acta Zool., 80: 265-284.
- Nowell, M.S.; Shelton, P.M.J.; Herring, P.J. (1999) Cuticular photophores of two decapod crustaceans, Oplophorus spinosus and Systellaspis debilis. Bio. Bull. 195:290-307.
- Tokarev, Y.N.; Williams, R.; Piontkovski, S.A. (1999) Identification of small-scale structure of plankton communities of the Black and Ionian Seas by their bioluminescence characteristics. Hydrobiologia393:163-167.
- Utyushev, R.N.; Levin, L.A.; Gitelson, J.I. (1999) Diurnal rhythm of the bioluminescent field in the ocean epipelagic zone. Marine Biol.134:439-448.
- Viviani, V.R.; Bechara, E.J.H.; Ohmiya, Y. (1999) Cloning, sequence analysis, and expression of active Phrixothrix railroad-worms luciferases: Relationship between bioluminescence spectra and primary structures. Biochemistry38:8271-8279.
- Wada, M., Azuma, N., Mizuno, N. and Kurokura, H. (1999) Transfer of symbiotic luminous bacteria from parental Leiognathus nuchalis to their offspring. Marine Biology, 135: 683-687.
- Widder, E.A.; Johnsen, S.; Bernstein, S.A.; Case, J.F.; Neilson, D.J. (1999) Thin layers of bioluminescent copepods found at density discontinuities in the water column. Marine Biol.134:429-437.
- 1998
- Shimomura, O.; Flood, P.R. (1998) Luciferase of the scyphozoan medusa Periphylla periphylla. Biol. Bull. 194:244-252.
- Widder, E.A. (1998) A predatory use of counterillumination by the squaloid shark, Isistius brasiliensis. Environmental Biol. of Fishes, 53:267-273.
- Munk, O.; Hansen, K.; Herring, P.J. (1998) On the development and structure of the escal light organ of some melanocetid deep sea anglerfishes (Pisces : Ceratioidei). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 78:1321-1335.
- Rees, J. F., DeWergifosse, B., Noiset, O., Dubuisson, M., Janssens, B., Thompson, E. M. (1998) The origins of marine bioluminescence: Turning oxygen defence mechanisms into deep-sea communication tools. Journal of Experimental Biology 201(8): 1211-1221
- Wilson, T.; Hastings, J.W. (1998) Bioluminescence [review]. Ann. Rev. Cell Devel. Biol. 14:197-230.
- Rohr, J., Latz, M.I., Fallon, S., Nauen, J.C., and others. (1998) Experimental approaches towards interpreting dolphin-stimulated bioluminescence. Journal of Experimental Biology, 201:1447-1460.
- Douglas, R. H., Partridge, J. C., Dulai, K., Hunt, D., Mullineaux, C. W., Tauber, A. Y., Hynninen, P. H. (1998) Dragon fish see using chlorophyll. Nature 393(6684): 423-424
- Knaust, R., Urbig, T., Li, L. M., Taylor, W., Hastings, J. W. (1998) The circadian rhythm of bioluminescence in Pyrocystis is not due to differences in the amount of luciferase: A comparative study of three bioluminescent marine dinoflagellates. Journal of Phycology 34:167-172
- Actor, J.K., Kuffner, T., Dezzutti, C.S., Hunter, R.L., & McNicholl, J. (1998) A flash-type bioluminescent immunoassay that is more sensitive than radioimaging: quantitative detection of cytokine cDNA in activated and resting human cells. Journal of Immunological Methods 211:65-77.
- Contag, C.H., Spilman, S.D., Contag, P.R., Oshiro, M., Eames, B., Dennery, P., Stevenson, D.K., Benaron, D.A. (1997) Visualizing gene expression in living mammals using a bioluminescent reporter. Photochemistry and Photobiology 66:523-531
- Sternberg, C., Eberl, L., Poulsen, L. K., Molin, S. (1997) Detection of bioluminescence from individual bacterial cells: a comparison of two different low-light imaging systems. Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence 12:7-13
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