Keywords: Gelatinous Plankton, Marine Snow My research is focused on open-ocean and deep-sea systems.
Completed and ongoing projects include:
For more details, check out a list of my scientific papers.
I have currently begun working at MBARI on the photoproteins of
deep-sea medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores. Return to the Research Submission Form.
Submitted: 10 Sep 97
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Steven Haddock
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Steven Haddock
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Inst.
phone: 831-775-1793
P.O. Box 628, 7700 Sandholdt Rd.
Other Web Page
Moss Landing, CA 95039 USA
E-mail .
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| Bioluminescence Info Page.
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My research is focused on <B>open-ocean</B> and <B>
deep-sea systems</B>.
<P>Completed and ongoing projects include:
<LI>Discovery of a bioluminescent deep-sea chaetognath
<LI>Demonstrating that the ctenophore <I>Pleurobrachia</I>
is not bioluminescent
<LI>Natural rates of luminescence in the sea
<LI>Investigating luminescence of marine snow
<LI>Bioluminescence spectra of gelatinous zooplankton
For more details, check out a <A HREF="
~haddock/lit.html"> list of my scientific papers</A>.
<P>In the future I hope to work with the unique photoproteins
of deep-sea medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores.