
The Bioluminescence Web Page Concept
Reliable information on marine bioluminescence is widely scattered in the literature and in unpublished data. While this is merely an inconvenience to the relatively small core of investigators actively working in the discipline, there is a much larger group of life scientists, students, oceanographers and applied marine scientists who frequently come upon problems involving bioluminescence and who might have little awareness of the availability and reliability of information on the subject.
A good web site can greatly accelerate the spread of reliable new knowledge far beyond the rate attainable by other means. Properly constructed and participated in, the bioluminescence web site provides researchers and planners a resource of reliable information from what, in effect, is a continuous informal conference of experts and users.
Organization of the Web Page
- Fundamentals - Contents are provided by specialists and reviewed by an editorial committee. Material is separated into highlights for rapid review and detailed accounts which will also provide guidance to information sources and experts.
- Current Research - Contents are linked from the Fundamentals Page and are the sole responsibility of the individual sources. These are usually by individual researchers or laboratories, private, academic or government, working on problems in marine bioluminescence.
All background material from a source consists of two parts:
- brief statements of interests and work in progress,
- links from there to the source's own web page materials.
Management of the Web Page
- An editorial group oversees the content of the page and has a deciding role in future development. The page is served from the University of California at Santa Barbara academic computer environment and developed and supported by Steven Haddock of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Contacts are Steven Haddock (
; 831-775-1793) and James F. Case.
The contents of this site are copyrighted by its creators. Please do not use without permission.
To Cite this Web Page
- To refer to this page in print, please use the following citation information:
- Haddock, S.H.D.; McDougall, C.M.; Case, J.F. "The Bioluminescence Web Page", http://biolum.eemb.ucsb.edu/ (created 1997; updated 2011; accessed XX/XX/XX).
Awards and Recognition
- This site has been linked from some of the web's top reference sources and is required reading for several college classes. Some of our distinctions are listed below. We hope to maintain a high standard of accuracy and reliability, so if you take issue with any of the statements on this site, let us know and we can discuss changes.


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